• Zineglob is a producer and exporter of organic argan oil, prickly pear oil and cosmetic products since 2006. Based in Morocco, the company provides different products and services including private label for its worldwide customers, cerification and customized formula.
  • Zineglob is a producer and exporter of organic argan oil, prickly pear oil and cosmetic products since 2006. Based in Morocco, the company provides different products and services including private label for its worldwide customers, cerification and customized formula.

Zineglob is a producer and exporter of organic argan oil, prickly pear oil and cosmetic products since 2006. Based in Morocco, the company provides different products and services including private label for its worldwide customers, cerification and customized formula.

Agadir, المغرب


النوع : قابل للتفاوض
الحالة : الجديد


L’huile d’argan is in the utile Lutte contre les du vieillissement Qui Symptômes la peau affecte, tells les promenades Que, voiture contains des anti-oxydants Elle et donne à Utiles la peau Douceur et douceur, et can be this Dans Utilisée en massant fonction la peau et le cou quelques gouttes avant l’immortalité

شاركها مع أصدقائك
عرف المعلن انك وجدت اعلانه علي موقع اعلانات مبوبه مازادوكا لمزيد من التاكيد وسهوله التواصل
اكتب تقييم
صورة المستخدم الإفتراضية
نصائح هامه جدا

استخدم موقعًا آمنًا لمقابلة البائع
تجنب المعاملات النقدية
احذر من العروض غير الواقعية

إعلانات مميزة