• We have Sudanese natural charcoal, toas

We have Sudanese natural charcoal, toas

دبي - الإمارات العربية المتحدة


النوع : للبيع
الحالة : الجديد


Sudanese natural coal for sale and export

We have Sudanese natural charcoal, toasted first for a hookah

All kinds of charcoal are completely free of any moisture, impurities or dust

Available in customized packages

Charcoal is completely exempt from the customs of your country where the exchange papers are

Make sure before you buy company papers and don’t be subject to fraud

3A Group to sell African coal

We also have citrus charcoal, first toast, lemon charcoal, orange, and kervout

We also have Nigerian natural charcoal, toast for shisha and grills

We also have natural charcoal for two first grill toast

Available in all types of packages and sizes

Shipping is available to the buyer with the fastest shipping companies

To communicate with us through all means of communication via the following number

‎‪0020 120 702 2920‬‬

Or through the following e-mail


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